Hello! I'm Zakhar | Software Engineer

💬 Experienced Software Engineer with a focus on full-stack / front-end development.
📚 During my educational journey, I have completed courses in Intro to Computer Science, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Design & Architecture, and applied those skills to create a portfolio of projects.
🚀 I am eager to advance my career in software development, contribute to innovative projects, and learn new techniques and technologies.
📍 Located in Toronto, Canada.


















Heads-Upp - Course platform.

This full-stack application allows users to purchase course materials. I developed this application using NEXT.js as the main fremework, Firebase to securily authorise users and store data. I have integrated Stripe payment system to this application and connect it to Firebase database via Webhooks. Creation of this project gave me experience developing a complex real-world web application ready for production.

Finlio - Finance management app.

This full-stack application is build using Golang, PostgreSQL, AWS on the backend, and React, Redux, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS on the frontend. It have features such as user authentication, dashboard with overall trends and statistics, individual page with expenses organized within a table with each individual expense being accessible as well, and settings page to update your profile information or upload a profile picture.

AI-integrated blog app.

This full-stack application is build using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB on the back-end, and React with TypeScript on the front-end. In this project I have developed custom REST API to create, view, edit, or delete posts, JWT-based authentication, integrated OpenAI api, as well as created responsive and user-friendly client-side interface.

E-commerce store app.

This application is build using React, TypeScript, React-router, and Firebase. It has features such as user authentication, user account management, a shopping cart, favorite page. This project helped me master advanced React topics such as advanced / dynamic routing system, type checking, context API, reducer functions, custom react hooks, portals, and more.

AI-based color recognition app.

This front-end application is build using React as a main framework, and the styling is done using Tailwind CSS. It is integrated with a third-party machine learning API provided by Clarifai to identify and dynimacally display colors of the images a user inputs. The creation of this project allowed me to understand fundamentals of React, and master essential concepts such as Components, Props, Data flow, and third party API integration.